Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why and what this is all about!

I have had an interest in this project for many reasons. I feel as though it is important for everyone to get an education. I see how much not being able to read or add and subtract affects a child's elementary, middle school, and high school years. Not only does it affect your teenage years but if you never get the help that you need it will affect your whole life.  It is sad to see a little boy or a little girl that is laughing and having a good time at the park with their parents, but that is the only time that they have a good time because at school they get made fun of for being in a special education class or not knowing how to read. The other very sad thing is to see a child get left behind because of programs like No Child Left Behind. Now I am not saying that this is a bad program it is a great idea, it just did not turn out the way that people envisioned it. I was one of those kids who just got passed under the rug because teachers either thought that I was to annoying to be in their class again, they did not have the passions to deal with me, or they just did not notice because I was always in the back of the classroom.
                The point of this project is to raise $800 to pay for a child to go to school for a year. I would be doing this through an association called Africa is Life Changing. I do not need one person to pay $800 the point of all of this is for everyone in our Cedar Ridge community to help to raise this money. I do not want anyone to feel obligated to donate any money either. I know that everyone has different financial situations and some of them are pretty touchy. I understand if you can only give five dollars or ten dollars. Kimberly my teacher sponsoring this and I have set up an e-mail eyesofthechild@gmail.com. If you have any questions, comments, or want to know more information about this then please e-mail us.